Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The napbaker

As a stay-at-home mom, I could use the time when my son naps better. I suppose. I could de-crust my microwave oven or balance the family checkbook. These days, I choose to bake instead. Mom friends often ask me when I find the time to bake this or that, since the life of a mom can be pretty full. I am a napbaker. I dread the time when my son drops his nap. And he is a GREAT napper. My French baby naps for a minimum of 2 hours everyday - Bless his little heart.
This blog idea came to me while preparing for his second birthday party. For the occasion, I had planned to bake macarons and a three-layer cake. I had attempted to make macarons a year earlier but the experience was disastrous. And here I was, building castles in Spain and planning on making macarons for such an important event.
Somehow, God in His infinite mercy touched my hand and piping bag, and my birthday macarons turned out ok. I then vowed to perfect my hand at making macarons, as well as getting a little crazy with the flavors!
I must however thank all the talented baking bloggers out there, who have inspired me and given me many precious tips.
Here is a little glimpse at the birthday creations. Thank you Bakerella for your help making my first macaron pops and thank you Sweetapolita for pushing my cake-baking experience to crazy limits (All I had ever attempted to make before was a very French yogurt cake - no frosting no thrill).  The Sweetapolita cake is definitely an American creation, which departs from my French theme, but I am trying to explain how this blog came about. So there.

The three-layer cake was downgraded to a two-layer cake. Somehow, it tasted as good, I think.

Bakerella presented in her blog the clearest and easiest way to make macarons in my opinion. Although largely inspired by the talented Helen from Tartelette. Oh, where would my sugar level be without you guys!

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